Thursday, February 20, 2014

Starbucks: Cheers to blue skies

Shoutout to Arnold Palmer (referred to now on as Arnie P) for one of the greatest creations of all time. Thanks for the half and half, also referred to as the iced tea-lemonade . This is the Starbucks version. Pictured below is the green tea lemonade, unsweetened. A go-to refreshing drink for me when I'm parched and certainly never a let down. Cheers to Arnie P!

Well this was a passion tea lemonade. It didn't quite make it home this time. Despite that, cheers to a beautiful back yard. Asking for "light ice" is always a good idea if you want to have a drink to enjoy when you get home.
When the going gets tough, the tough get iced coffee. Finished with 2% milk and caramel one can never go wrong. Just make sure it's Venti. When in doubt, use your nickname at your local Starbucks.

 ©Robert J. Hanlon

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