Thursday, February 13, 2014

#TBT: Nautical Afternoon

What's classier than a wood boat with an American flag hung off the back? Crickets...
Definitely worth the high-maintenance upkeep if you have the time. Possibly the classiest vessel man has ever built.

Every good boat has its first mate. Shoutout to Bentley for being one of the best first mates in the game. Bent always looks the part and has a can't stop won't stop attitude unmatched by any other first mate I've ever met.
Don't even think about setting out on a boat with a classic pair of Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes. Classic colors are always in style, though I mixed it up with tan shoe and red laces in Summer 2013.

 When finally docking after an afternoon of boating, always make sure your first mate receives plenty of attention and keep hydrated.
    August, 2014 ©Robert J. Hanlon


  1. Aw, love your dog! Great photos!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Just took a look at some of your site, it's great! I will definitely be taking more of a look later!
